A few years back I started this blog with the idea of it being a self-motivator in efforts to push my at the time brand new self-employed job status. As time went on my career began to flourish however, my blog unfortunately went cold. As of 6 months ago my photography business and my personal life have gotten a new face lift prompting me to once again dive head first into the unknown world that is blogging.
The main reason(s) for my return to this parallel universe are as follows:
1. I became friends with a fellow artist/woman who reawakened my eyes to photography and my ever evolving world.
2. Multiple events in my career have opened me to new opportunities, involving old friends and new acquaintances that have pushed me to venture outside my comfort zone.
Last and most important:
3. I am fortunate after 5 years of patient waiting and planning I am attending and hopefully (fingers crossed) photographing Burning Man Arts Festival 2013 in Black Rock City Nevada for a book. For all of you who are unfamiliar with this event it is one of the largest if not the largest Art gathering in the world! As an artist and longtime lover of art and all things related, to be priviliaged to spend a week in the dessert discovering and rediscovering myself and others is something that no words can describe.
In the coming weeks I will be tracking my trials and tribulations prior to... and post Burning Man adventures. There will be tears of joy, pain and laughter. Advice will be given and also needed. Plans with change and new revelations will commence. Join me on my latest journey into the dust filled playa and beyond...