Today I felt like a parent taking their child to Kindergarten for the first time. I walked right over to the post office mail box stopped...long pause held my breathe and said have a safe trip as I placed my tightly sealed package into the slot. My rolls of Burning Man E-6 Ektachrome Slide film are on their way (safely I hope, minus any government shutdown mail service screw ups)to their destination at Denver Digital Image Center in Denver Colorado. I feel confident in their services after talking to one of their employees about their dip and dunk developing system. Fingers crossed I should have my first look into Ashe's Wanderland in about 2 weeks when I return from my travels to New York. In the mean time, as my brain runs amuck trying to decipher all my travels, adventures, and crazy fairy tale ideas for my book. So to help reel it all in I have taken the liberty of attempting to enjoy my short but sweet weekends at home doing fun photo shoots and art collaberations with my best friend Hanah. Here are a few images from last weekends impromptu portrait shoot and sunday afternoon hike of Moxham mountain. To see more images you can check them out at my Jeanine Newell Photography Facebook page.