Perks and Set Backs...

So there are perks and set backs to every job including being a professional photographer. Don't get me wrong for me personally I feel blessed with WAY more perks than set backs. Anyway, most of my year was spent living out of a suitcase traveling the United States shooting, exploring, creating and well, observing. Now it is winter and I have decided to take a much needed hiatus from traveling,(at least long periods of time), commericial work and the like, to concentrate on exploring my photography and my world through creating my first book.
I know I have talked about it before when I started this blog and I am sure you will hear me talk about it some more throughout my struggles and accomplishments this coming winter, but I am glad to say that as I sit on my couch in my newly rented house, watching the snow fall I feel blessed to have been given the time, support and encouragement to take on my biggest (and scariest by far) goal that I have set for myself since becoming self employed back in 2006.
On that note, last night (early this morning) I had the pleasure of sitting down and sorting/editing all of my black and white scanned film negatives from some of my travels this past spring and summer. As i look through these images I am reminded of not only the beauty, but the passion behind why I became a photographer/artist in the first place. It's not about the money, nor the fame, or even the end product at times. What it is truly all about for me is capturing the emotion, the struggle, the triumph and the sadness that I have felt or gone through with people I come in contact with. Whether they be friends, relatives, family, lovers or enemies. Each moment is saved forever so that years from now I can look back on all those feelings, events, moments in time and piece together my own true "Once Upon a Time Story".
So here is to the past, the present, the future and most all to the people who have come in and out of my life and especially those who decided to stay. I may not be physically traveling this winter but mentally and emotionally I am journeying farther than I have ever been. Safe travels...
