Artist's Rretreat: Step Back & Breath

I know I have been a bad blogger and have been MIA for weeks, well sometimes everyone needs to step back from social media, away from intense work load and take a moment to themselves. That is exactly what I did. This winter has been both beneficial, yet humbling not only in my career as an artist but personally too. I have been handed many challenges (some that I am still facing, Burning Man copyright approval) and many blessings, new clients, adversaries, artwork outlets and more.
For the last few weeks I was fortunate enough to have the time off and opportunity to step back from all of my daily routine, intense work load and projects and was able to go on what I consider "an artist's retreat". I met up with an old friend of mine fellow artist/writer/photographer, Susan Monroe. (You can check out some of her writing her)
We spent five days just talking, venting, hiking, course correcting and strategizing about what it is and means to live as a working artist. Unbenownst to some it, is not all glitz and glamour all the time. To get up every morning and do something you are SO passionate about as a job, can in fact be a blessing and a curse. And I have said it before finding the proper balance between passion and paycheck is not easy. Thankfully in my line of work most of the time those too coincide, but not always.
Anyway, my point being that yes I took a hiatus, (in my mind a well deserved one from this harsh winter) to reevaluate me, my company and what it is in life that makes me truly happy. So yes I may have lost followers, or my numbers are down on Facebook because I haven't been updating my life as frequent as people like. But you know what, in the end, it truly doesn't matter as much as people think because if I can't be happy making art and doing my job then why am I even blogging about it or sharing my art in the first place.
I have come to the conclusion that as much as technology, marketing, social media and the like are great in boosting my career and helping me, removing myself for small moments at a time to enjoy one on one company is impertinent to my growth as a person, artist and company as a whole. So in a few months when I begin traveling for work and I am not posting for a few days, take a second, breathe and realize that somewhere on the road I am out there doing the exact same thing, "taking a breath" and will return once again to write with even more passion and excitement.
