So yesterday I decided after two intense weeks straight of working, playing and photographing without a break that I deserved a day to myself to do whatever. And would you believe it I spent most of that day playing with cameras. What can I say when I feel the creative vibe I run with it. And that is exactly what I did. The afternoon turned out beautiful; lighting was very dreamlike and surreal. So in an effort to capture that moment I took out my trusty old Polaroid Reporter SE land camera. She's a beauty and best part is the film I have for it is almost as old as the camera itself (well not quite but old enough circa 1996). Let's just say this added to the ambience of the whole experience. Sure enough after not even five minutes I was tromping around in my backyard near the creek getting ankle deep in water and smiling from ear to ear the whole time! So here are the scanned results of my whimsical afternoon. Now I must put the nose to the grindstone and get back to work. Enjoy!