Art Kid Problems...

So between my current contracted job shooting school portraits and working on pre-production for my book, life has been anything but boring. Just now as I sit and have a few minutes to write this I am thinking and planning for my next few hours of editing, travel arrangements and equipment lists. This project "Ashe in Wanderland" already after 2 months is a blessing and a curse. It has brought up epic moments, intense emotions and even a little tiny bit of doubt. But hey wasn't that the point?
In the last 3 weeks that I have been shooting (for work and the book), I have felt more alive, in tune and creatively amped than I had ALL winter. It definitely helps to have an awesome group of like minded artists and individuals helping out with their time and effort to make this book a success. Just yesterday my friend Mark helped rig me a set up so that I could photography myself (Ashe) falling down a flight of stairs. Now if I went up to any old friend or person, told them this idea I am pretty sure I would be looked at sideways and/or locked up in a mental hospital.
Anyway, it's really nice to have a project unfold before your eyes. The last time I was this engrossed in one major art piece was my senior thesis in college. In fact some days I feel like I am back in college, making layouts, deadlines, writing bios and notes about myself. It is definetly refreshing. And a ton of pressure. Hey the way I see it no matter how this book turns out, how well it's received (or not receieved) I am stoked and feel already blessed to have this opportunity to tell my story and on my terms. And in the end what more could an artist ask for. Let the adventures in wanderland continue...
