Love and loss is something we all know too well. Whether it be a person, place or even object. In many cases our inner turmoil and the heartache that goes with it helps to only make us stronger as individuals. Everyday I feel as if on some scale we all, including myself deal with feelings of compassion and sadness. Recently a close buddy of mine lost 2 dear friends of his in an unfortunate accident, in addition to another one of our friends being badly injured.Events such as these happen to us on a daily basis, sometimes without warning and other times slowly with no avail. Creating this book has opened my eyes to many things that I feel I may have overlooked or taken advantage of in the past. This is not a bad thing in fact I feel it has made me a stronger, much more stable person, in addition to pushing my creative boundaries and personal ones too. These last 2 years working on this project have taught me many valuable lessons including what and whom is most important to my life; who and what I should hold dear, and when it is time to let go. At the same time it has given me a broader perspective on opening up to people whom I should trust yet still feel the pull of insecurity on a daily basis. In the end, I am confident who will be standing by my side when the dust clears and if I am wrong...well then at least I learned a good lesson. Here is teaser #2 an intesne conversation midway through the book between Ashe and her best friend Kat about her next move towards finding Abigail who has disappeared with Ashe's camera.Working Image from "Ashe in Wanderland": Kat's OrganKat: Just listen to the organ's music and let the wind guide you.Ashe: For christ sake Kat stop with the riddles and tell me the truth.Kat: It's not too late Ashe to follow your heart and leave this whole mess behind. She's going to break your heart. Trust me I know what's best for you.Ashe: I don't know Kat I am being pulled in all directions. It's not that easy. I need to find her and see. I need my camera!Kat: Okay but don't say I didn't warn you. I will ALWAYS be here. Is it worth it?