Breaking up is hard to do.

Today is the first time in two and a half years that I have woken up not thinking or working on my upcoming book "Ashe in Wanderland". As I cherish this moment, I find both peace and fear in my body and mind. The first PDF draft of my completed book left my sight this morning as I pushed the send button to Burning Man's media department and board of directors for final approval. The hardest part now is the wait. I told myself that once the file was sent, I was not allowed to work on, think about, look at or discuss "Ashe in Wanderland" for at least a week. Yet, even as I am writing this, all I can think about is if I have forgotten something.
I know I need a break, mentally, emotionally and physically from this project. I need to step back and be in the present to be able to look at everything I have done in the last two years with new eyes. Yet, there is still a slight twinge of panic in the back of my mind that I am running out of time. Granted, I have until October 18th to send a final copy to the printers. I think it's just that this project has been my life for so long that I have come to the point where it is part of my everyday being. Now that I am drawing closer to the end, it's weird for me to be living without it. In a strange way it's kind of like being in a long term relationship, you get used to doing things and being with someone in a routine, growing with them for so long and then when it ends you feel like something is missing.
In four days I will be leaving my current position managing the GoPro Digital Lab at Woodward Camp to head home for two weeks before I start traveling for my next job photographing school portraits. During this "time off" i've decided to focus on messing around with unfinished projects in my studio and just having some fun with art supplies and ideas that I have set aside since Ashe encompassed my world. I feel that as an artist, when taking on big projects, it is always good to give yourself a reminder of why you fell in love with art in the first place.
On that note, I decided I will not be releasing a teaser this week for "Ashe in Wanderland". With packing, moving, organizing my schedule for my next set of jobs and just plain mental exhaustion, a full separation from this project is best. Once I get back to New York and settled,I will be continuing with teasers and updates about my book through the end of August. So as not to leave everyone completely high and dry I have included in this blog a shot of the mocked up title page for my book. Time to grab my hammock, find a quiet spot,grab a book and get lost in someone elses story for awhile.
